Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Well, once again it's been a few days since our last update. Lots has happened, as seems to be the case these days for us because everything is new and everything is changing quickly! Phew, it's hard to keep up sometimes....

 Before I give any updates I have to say that I was overwhelmed with love following my last post when I mentioned that I was feeling lonely. More than anything, the response from beautiful friends all over the world reminded me that we are not the first people who have done this, and certainly won't be the last. Right now there are friends everywhere who have left family and home and who may feel lonely and afraid...and we all need to pray for each other! Also, so many people had good advice for me, and I really was struck by the fact that if we are inspired to reach out to someone, in whatever way, to follow through on that inspiration because chances are it is just what the other person needs. I think sometimes we are afraid of "imposing" but the love felt behind a few caring words can change someone's day so, be courageous!

A few wonderful things have happened:

1. We are buying a car!! A priest from the John Paul II Institute has finished his degree and is moving back. So, we are buying a 1997 Mazda 131, manual (wrong side of the car, mind you), and with only 74,000 kms on it. How BLESSED are we? Without it being a priest who wants to  sell his car for a low price to a young Catholic couple we would be totally unable to afford a car. Yet, here we a few weeks we will be mobile, even though I need to learn how to drive manual...and we can stop ruining our shoes with all of our walking :)

2. I've started volunteering at a primary school nearby. It is wonderful! I am there all day, working with the "prep" children who are 5 and 6 years old. It is getting towards the end of the year here and so the teachers are desperate for help. It is an absolute balm for my heart to spend all day with these sweet little people. Also, it is very cute seeing them all outside playing in their matching hats. It seems that all children (until year 12) are REQUIRED to wear hats at recess. They all look like little safari kids!

3. I was hired by Demand Media as a freelance writer. It is an American company but I get to write articles for places such as and It gives me something to do and a way to earn a little extra income. As of yet, I've not submitted my first article but truly, it gives me a sense of purpose here, as of late, which I think is a relief for Joe.

4. Joe and I went on our very first dinner date out since we've arrived here. When we first came to Australia we were watching our budget so seriously that we just bought groceries and ate hotel picnics, etc...and i'm not complaining, I love picnics! But, on Sunday we went to 6 pm mass because Joe worked all day, and then we went for a beautiful Italian dinner. Oh, it was just GLORIOUS, I felt reconnected with my husband, I felt young and loved, and it was so nice to be just the two of us. Also, wine was too expensive at the restaurant SO we picked up a cheap bottle after and (please don't judge) drank it as we walked the 4 kms home. We had so much fun! The laughs, the dreaming, the remembering. It was just what we needed. Not only that, but it is large rubbish week here in Australia, which means that everybody puts their large "junk" out and people can just pick up what they want until it is picked up by the city at the end of the week. Now, we've seen washers, dryers, fridges, etc..none of which we can pick up because we don't have a car. However, on our walk home we found a tv with a remote and a really nice side table. It was too good to pass up!! So, there we were in our church clothes walking home carrying a tv and a side table. The TV works and we are very proud of our effort :)

Anyhow my dear loved ones, we celebrated Thanksgiving today (because it is Thursday the 25th here). Tomorrow I'll write about that. Until then, thank you for your prayers and love..we truly feel so blessed. We miss you, we love you, and we always pray for you. xoxoxo


  1. Darling girl, how it made me smile picturing you and Jo walking home with your booty, triumphantly happy and loving each other OH SO much! I'm here sitting in Rianna's cute little room and beautiful Ireland.She sends her love!
    HOnestly, every time i read one of your posts my eyes always well up just a little bit, these posts are just the perfect little taste of you, but gosh they make me miss you too much.
    I love you darling, and am SO proud of you.\
    Love, EVening

  2. Emily,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Joe! I know you are probably missing your family and the holiday festivities but it is wonderful that you two are together for this special holiday (that's all that really matters, right?)!

    I had to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs-- I didn't even know you were doing this until the other day when I saw it on FB but what a great idea! You are such a great writer (it's no wonder Demand Media hired you) and it's awesome to know what you and Joe are up to. Your story about the dinner date and walking home with the wine sounds just like something James and I would do! :)


  3. Emily, these are so interesting and beautiful! Your stories literally make me laugh, smile and sympathize, missing home and feeling out of place in a different culture. Texas has been so lovely lately (I wore shorts at the beginning of this week!) compared to freezing cold Calgary, but I still can't wait for Christmas! Tell Joe I say hi and keep posting - I'm going to keep reading! If you're interested, other fun blogs to check out are (just google them): Cup of Jo, Design Sponge, and Snippet & Ink.

    Lots of love and prayers! Paige

  4. Hey Emily,

    After all those trips around in Naples, I wish you would have let me teach you how to drive a manual...then you wouldn't have to learn on your new car! Oh well, I'm sure you'll learn real fast! God Bless, hope all is well!

