Monday, July 11, 2011

If I Could Only Tell Her...

Dearest Ones, how we miss you! We are well here though, so very peaceful and so deeply happy. Thank you for praying for us!

Well, I'm not sure about those of you who have been pregnant before, but for me this pregnancy has been a time of deep thought about my relationship with my mom. Mostly, I have moments of heart break thinking about how much I know she has loved me, and how often I've failed to receive her love or to return it like I should. If I could only tell my little daughter these things...

"When your Mama wants to have a nap and hold you close in cuddles, don't wriggle away and day you will be too big to fit in the crook of her arm! (The same goes for sitting on her lap or putting your head on her shoulder!) You will one day be a grown lady and wish for the comfort and security of mother's arms again."

"Don't think you are "too big" to hold her hand when you are still really little. Her heart will break a little bit on the day you are too cool, and yet she'll put on a smiley face and let you go anyhow. Don't rush it!"

"When she feeds you healthy food, and sends healthy snacks to school for you, try to remember that she is creating a healthy lifestyle for you, and she would probably find it alot easier to give you the dunkaroos you keep begging for!"

"Understand that when you have woes at school and with friends, she spends nights awake worrying. Try to be easy on her!"

"When you are a little older (like 14) you might feel very grown up but you are still your mama's little girl! Please be understanding when she has a hard time accepting that you might want to go away  for school, or chase dreams. Also, be easy on her when she asks you to wait, chances are she knows what is best for you!"

"When you are still older (but still her baby), and find yourself ugly when you look in the mirror...think about the anguish you might cause your mama who thinks you are the most beautiful oldest daughter she could ever ask for. Let her love you, cry in her arms, and let her take care of you. You don't have to be grown up before your time, and you certainly don't have to be tough all the time!"

"Don't ever tell her you hate her, because you never really do. It might seem like the most hurtful thing you could say in the moment, and it just might be, but why would you ever say something like that when you don't mean it?"

"When she is worried about someone you are dating, or a group of friends you might have, listen to her concerns...chances are her instincts are spot on."

"Call her, pray for her, hug her, love her, tell her you are sorry, tell her she is the most beautiful lady you've ever seen, tell her that she is your heroine and role-model, never let her forget that she is still the one person in the whole wide world that knows your heart in her special, perfect way."

Mama-Mia and all of her daughters....what a beautiful Mom we have!

I love my Mom so much and my heart is full to bursting with gratitude for just how she has loved me over the years. The little list above only scratches the surface of how well I have been loved. Now, on the verge of meeting my own daughter (unless of course "she" is actually a "he"!!), I feel a strange mixture of confidence and child-like fear. In one way I am ready for the adventure of motherhood, and on the other hand I only want the security of my own mother's arms. Perhaps this will never change!

Thank you Mama, for loving us with such self-donation!

Lots of Love from OZ. I can't wait to hug so many of you!



  1. Emily, this is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I will be praying for you and the birth of your new baby! ~Shannon L

  2. you are so spot on emily. you made me cry :) I hope these last few weeks prove to be just a fruitful as the others! miss you lovely
