Sunday, January 16, 2011

There's a lime in my belly....and other news!

Dearest ones, what a week it has been. Nothing too special, but lots of opportunity for laughs, and tears, and memories. First of all, yes baby Packard is now a lime and we can hardly believe it. When we found out about baby, he or she was merely the size of a poppy seed, but NOW we have a lime! We are so proud of our little one, who has already developed reflexes, and (we've been told) responds if I push on my stomach. I can't wait to feel the little movements.

Highlights of the week:

1)We had the house to ourselves! If you can believe it, it is the first time since our honeymoon that Joe and I have had a house to ourselves. It is sooo amazing! It is not that I've minded living with people, everyone has been wonderful and generous, but I've just yearned to have our own place. On Joe's day off it was raining and so we got to spend the whole day just BEING, who knew how awesome being could be?Among other things we ate pizza in bed, swam in the rain, and I baked lots of muffins :)

2) My dear new friend Sally stopped over to say hello on one of Joe's long work days. She brought the most adorable newborn sized sleepers for our little person. My heart just felt like exploding with gratitude, not just for the gift but for the gesture of a visit. I felt very loved and not lonely at all.

3) Joe and I went out for dinner with two wonderful young couples last night. It was only the second time we've eaten out since moving to Melbourne, I think I blogged about the first time too. Not only was the food absolutely incredible BUT the company was amazing and there is just nothing like getting dressed up for a night out. It was a true gift. On top of that, Tim and Alana treated us, which again was just such a blessing and my heart felt like bursting.

Challenges of the week (all good for a laugh!):

1) I feel as though I've lost my ability to cook. I think that because nothing appeals to me I don't have the innate ability that i had before to season to taste and estimate amounts, etc.  Poor Joe has SUFFERED through a week of bland, overcooked, over salted, or undercooked. He is a champ, we laugh so hard when I pull it out of the oven or off the stove, somehow ruined, and then he eats it all (and asks for seconds). 

2) The only things I DO want to eat are pizza and eggs on toast with tomato. Yes, I've eaten alot of both which has both caused me to breakout and gain weight. However, again they are the only things and so I keep eating...and we laugh, and I revel in just how amaaaazing they taste. We went through 3 dozen eggs this week...(Joe eats them too, don't worry!). I am looking forward to the end of this first trimester and adding a little more variety to my diet, but for now it's good for a laugh and a memory.

3) Joe got his new schedule for work, and sadly, because of basketball he is at work until 9:30 every single day of the week. Initially I felt super disheartened about it, but we have found the silver lining and all will be well. We will just treasure our mornings together and have our big meal for lunch :) Such is life!!

Looking ahead: We are moving into our NEW APARTMENT this week!!! We are beyond excited and I can't wait to put some pictures up once we're all settled. It is quite tiny, and slightly kitchen-less, but just you wait and see what we make of it. There are beautiful bright walls and hardwood floor, and most importantly it is our own. It is also walking distance from the train station and hospital, both of which are simply ideal. This will be the apartment that we bring our Baby home to, and the apartment that Joe comes home to every night, and all I can say is hooray!

Well, I suppose that is all the news from Melbourne for now. We havn't been touched by the floods that inundated northern Australia, but we have certainly had the rain (and the produce shortages). Certainly everyone in Queensland and New South Wales needs prayers so if you remember please include them in yours! We pray for you, we miss you, we love you. Thank you for your love!



  1. Dearest Lovely Emily!

    Your little brother Luke and I just read this together - we love it and think you have a wonderful talent to share. Thank you for sharing it!

    Have a blessed first day in your new home...

    We love you!


  2. Hi Emily,

    I am glad to hear that you are not feeling too sick. The lack of appitite will get better is such a relief when it does. I don't think I could touch a vegetable for about two months!!

    If your baby is the size of a lime, mine is the size of a six inch subway sandwich! Just starting to feel a few movements and we have our ultrasound on Thursday. We are keeping your family in our prayers. Thanks for all the updates. It is always nice to hear how things are going for you guys. I hope your move goes well. God bless you.


    Angela M.
