Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Need to Be a Better Gardener...

It's a chilly and grey Saturday morning here in Calgary. The snow has started falling, and I'm sitting here with a delicious steamy mug of licorice spice tea while my little one and my handsome man play nearby. It's a lovely way to spend a few quiet moments and perhaps get a little writing done.

A few days ago a certain line in a Justin Bieber song jumped out at me..."the grass ain't always greener on the other side, it's green where you water it."

Now, make fun of me all you want for my unabashed enjoyment of certain Bieber songs, but I actually think that line has profound implications on life. I have to ask myself whether I spend time griping about the apparently greener grass on the other side, and forget to water the perfectly beautiful patch of grass I'm standing on.

I've always had a certain wanderlust. I know there are aspects of my life that have added to my itchiness to always be on the move, and I know it is also a part of my personality, a part that tends to be dissatisfied quickly and to feel as though it would be easier to start fresh. I also wonder if perhaps it is part of our human condition....that because we are on a journey we are never quite content! Regardless,  I studied at 3 Universities before finishing my undergraduate, and I've lived in 7 places since I was 14 (and my parent's were so amazing at supporting me as I took off time and again!). Now, here we are in Calgary and we will most likely be here for a while (even though we'll always take little trips!). Just last week Joe and I were bitten by a huge desire to jet off again so we booked a next day flight to Dallas and we were gone....

But, I started reflecting on the fact that this desire to always be on the move has negatively impacted certain areas of my life. For instance...I've only been asked to be a bridesmaid once (and I missed the wedding!). I have come to the realization that I'm terrible at being a friend, ergo the whole never being a bridesmaid thing. I've lived in so many places that it is almost as though I'm afraid to commit in friendship, and thus other than my deep friendship with my husband and sisters I've really failed at being a loyal and generous friend to others.

 I've also realized that I fail epically at structure and routine....while I have visions of baking with Liliana, mom's groups, crafts, a schedule etc...I'm just terrible at putting those realities into place.

Joe and I are at our prime when we are on the move together...being spontaneous, facing new adventures and challenges, taking on the world hand in hand. Yet, at home it is so easy to fall into apathy, to forget to take the time to make the ordinary extraordinary, to live with gratitude and zest for life. In short, I forget to water this patch of grass that has been entrusted to me SO OFTEN while I spend too much time dreaming about the next adventure.

Here is the thing.  We are constantly inundated with this highly romanticized notion of life that makes it easy to lack gratitude and generosity in the moment. The most freeing lesson is the one in which you learn that life is supposed to be hard, because then you stop griping, dig deep, and discover great joy! My darling hubby and I were blessed to learn early that love takes work, will power, and doesn't always feel good. While I've known that life isn't easy, and isn't meant to be, these past weeks have been such a great reminder to me of what is really important.

At the end of the day, life is so short! So many things don't matter, but a few things really REALLY matter...and they are what I should be turning my attention to.

So, that being said...I'll close, time to go get waterin'.

Lots of love to you!

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