Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby Steps Towards Creating a Family Culture....

Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, and we had so much fun here in the Packard house! My beloved man and I have been really thinking and praying hard about the type of family culture we would like to have. After reading this blog and doing some real soul-searching over Lent about what our family culture would be, we are finally taking baby steps towards creating it. 

ARRIBA for family culture!!
What is a family culture, you may ask? Well for us we are hoping it will be a unique blend of everything that makes us THE PACKARDS. This applies to how we live our Catholic faith within our home (Holy week, feast days, baptismal anniversaries), to what we do and do not do (Packards do not watch Barbie movies <hehe>, Packards do try new foods), to how we celebrate other special days, etc. We are excited to begin establishing meaningful traditions that truly speak to our children's hearts, forming them to become holy and happy men and women, as well as becoming memories they cherish and maybe even carry on.

As a side note this is something that I've dragged my feet on because the combination of being a perfectionist and constantly watching our budget always has me feeling as though I can't do something as well as I'd like. However, yesterday was such fun...simple but wonderful, even without fiesta coloured table clothes, balloons, and candles.

Joe wanted to add Cinco de Mayo to our list of celebratory events, because he is, of course, Texan and has a soft spot for all things Tex-Mex. 

To start off we made a pinata! I am slowly learning that to be not afraid of mess is to allow my children to learn well and grow in independence. We have set aside some clothes that are Liliana's work clothes....so whenever we do a messy project we just throw her work clothes on and she is ready to go! You will see that she is wearing it in her painting picture, as it was her job and her job alone to paint the pinata while I dashed around tidying our home for guests. 

Daddy and Liliana preparing the canvas

Creating a masterpiece
In the absence of Mexican coloured decor, we created a banner of senors and senoritas. Liliana painstakingly drew on each of their faces as Joe and I helped colour their ponchos. 

We created a fajita feast. I used this flank steak marinade, this slow cooker chicken fajita recipe, and of course we added rice, beans and all of the fixings. I marinated the fajita veggies in the flank steak marinade. They were such a hit. We finished off with chocolate cake covered in this incredible icing. On top of it all, Joe was bartender and made the most delicious blended margaritas (thanks to an old family recipe). With Cinco de Mayo radio playing on Pandora, we seemed to have found all the ingredients for a truly celebratory and relatively budget friendly fiesta. 

Nanny and Papa came dressed for the party!!



  1. That looks like so much fun!

    1. Thanks Amy! It really was so much fun....we are looking forward to celebrating the 4th with your beautiful family again!
