“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”
Oh Thanksgiving...the smell of leaves and crisp air, the crunch underfoot, the fall flavours of a thanksgiving meal, songs and poems about turkeys, crafts.
I truly love this season of Autumn. Thanksgiving, placed right in the middle of it with its pumpkin flavoured goodness and colourful festivity, only makes it more delectable in every way!
I try to have a big heart, but admittedly with my melancholy tendencies and desire for perfection it is sometimes too small. I have noticed, though, that gratitude makes it swell and expand...gratitude pushes aside the selfishness and introspection, opening my heart to more generosity and more joy. What a beautiful thing that we have a day to refocus on living with a grateful heart!
Here in the Packard house we continue to work towards establishing our family culture. We are trying to create traditions and practices that are meaningful to us and will always be special memories for our children.....traditions that they will want to continue with their families many years from now.
One such tradition is the building of a tee pee. My Love's sweet mama used to make tee pees with Joe when he was a little boy, and he reminisces about it often. Finally, this Thanksgiving weekend, he made it happen for our children and OH was it fun. Squirt sat in it for many hours, snuggled up with snacks and books. I know it made her Daddy's heart so happy.
Little Judah, whom Joe has affectionately named Critter, is in a terribly frustrating funny phase. He is SO feisty, so immediately angry when things aren't going his way, and so obsessed with his Daddy. I am starting to learn how very different boys are from girls! All of the outside play this weekend has been so good for him. It has made my heart happy to see his little face covered in dirt, his jeans dusty and hands full of fun discoveries. Now, if only he would learn that everything doesn't need to be taste tested!
Outside cleaning up our front and backyards for many months of winter snow, we had tons of fun playing in the leaves. Joe, Squirt, and Critter also created their very own scarecrow, which is currently perched in our overgrown mess of weeds garden "protecting" the strawberry plants from rabbits and squirrels. I am sure a Thanksgiving scarecrow will become a tradition alongside the tee pee.
Last night sitting around a notably small Thanksgiving table (we were missing all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins from my mom's side), I was so struck by how full of joy the room was even though the crowd was small. Oddly enough, each family sitting there had a difficult year in their own way (although don't we all have difficult years in our own ways?). What I mean is, most had some pronounced suffering that had impacted their year, whether it be illness, financial trouble, or insecure job situations. However, the most notable thing was that small sufferings had created deeper gratitude for the things that are lasting and meaningful. Being stripped of security in some small or big way shone a light on what makes us most secure, most fulfilled, most humble.
When it was my turn to express my gratitude last night it was very simple, two things stood out to me. I am so grateful for my Love. My sweet husband, you are my one and only, I love you more each year. The crazy beautiful life we have been blessed with is such a gift because of YOU. Darling Judah David, you also I am so grateful for. Your arrival into our life turned almost everything upside down, and yet my heart hurts when I think of how much I love you. Our family without you is inconceivable. You have blessed us in ways I can't express. Thank you!
God bless you dear friends and loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!